Puppy Training And Socialization

October 14, 2022 Admin 0 Comments

Puppy Training and Socialization by Abigail FranksWhen we talk about a dog being part of the family, it’s usually because the family took the time to socialize the animal when he was a puppy. The term socialization isn’t necessarily training, it just involves teaching the dog what others expect of them. There are many things that a new puppy should be taught if you want to end up with a great member of the family. These include:Not peeing in the house. The idea that certain parts of your home make an acceptable place to relieve themselves should be strongly discouraged. It’s only through learning this behavior will your new found friend ever be considered trustworthy enough to be left alone in your home.Don’t bite. While puppies are naturally curious and playful, biting should not be allowed. It’s during those first few formidable months that the pecking order of your family becomes established. A pet should never be considered alpha dog in the family but be subservient to all humans. This means that although roughhousing and playing around is fine, biting is definitely not acceptable.Sit. While this is a learned behavior, having control of your dog is critical to them being part of your family. You don’t need a full-grown dog to charge the door each time the doorbell rings. You may however consider it a positive thing when someone comes to the door that your dog announces the visitor by barking then sits obediently at the door. This can add a measure of safety and put the visitor on notice that a dog is also home.While there are many other behaviors, you can train your dog to do, socialization should start almost immediately. Showing your new puppy what you expect is easy to do, provided that you are a consistent teacher. The key to teaching your dog anything new is to realize that they have a very short attention span and they want to please you. This means that even during socialization or formal training, any effort to teach a new behavior should be fun.When you first get a new puppy, it’s important that you keep them confined and under control. There’s no point in allowing bad habits to develop that will only need to be broken in the future. This is a good reason why allowing your puppy to potty or relieve themselves in the house on newspapers or piddle pads is not the best way to house train your dog.Crate training works because it uses your dogs natural instinct of keeping the sleeping area clean. This, along with consistent visits outside and lots of praise will result in your puppy not only getting the idea of what makes you happy, but also helps with the socialization aspect of his young life. Visit the link below for more information on how to quickly house train your dog using the very effective crate training method.While socialization and formal training may be similar, training looks for certain reliable actions from the animal. With socialization, we give your new best friend a lot of slack in doing the behavior.Abigail Franks and her family love dogs of all sizes. visit her site for information on dog training and the all necessary housebreaking puppy techniques.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com
