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Submitted by: Victor Miller
When we talk about a massage, it does not take a lot of effort in order to convince people to take a massage. However, when we talk about spending money on getting a sports massage from a sports therapist, people are generally reluctant about making an investment. Sports massage is not like the conventional massage that gives a great end to a hectic day. It is not the massage that you would give to your partner or get in a massage parlour that relaxes each and every muscle of your body. Sports massage Wimbledon, on the other hand, is especially designed to release muscle tension and restore the balance between our muscles and the skeletal system. Sports massage also comes attached with a number of benefits that include physical, physiological and health benefits.
Sports massage Wimbledon is not only suitable for injured athletes, but also for fit athletes who are looking to enhance their sporting performance. Sports massage offers many general enhancements like increased sporting performance, prevention of injuries, greater flexibility, and reduced recovery period following an injury. The benefits are as follows:
Physical Benefits
Enhanced tissue permeability: Sports massage Wimbledon results in widening of tissue membrane pores, allowing easier passage for fluids and nutrients. This helps in easier delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.
Increased flexibility: Sports massage results in stretching of muscles laterally and longitudinally. This results in a release of pressure and muscle tension.
Scar tissue realignment: Scar tissues are formed whenever a muscle receives a trauma or injury. These scar tissues can affect the ligaments and tendons and if not treated effectively, they can result in long term issues with flexibility. Massage realigns these scar tissues and reduces the chances of injuries.
Enhanced micro circulation: Massage is as effective as exercise for the targeted muscles. It helps the muscles by increasing blood flow to the tissues. Massage also results in dilation of blood vessels which allows nutrients and oxygen to pass through more easily.
Physiological Benefits
Pain inhibition: Waste products and tension in the muscles can result in sensation of pain. Massage reduces waste products and releases tension, hence reducing this sensation of pain. It also results in increased release of endorphins.
Increased relaxation response: Sports massage Wimbledon creates an atmosphere in the body where enhanced circulation, heat generation and increased flexibility are promoted. All these factors create relaxation in the body.
Psychological Benefits
Reduced levels of anxiety: when sports massage simulated the relaxation response, it also lowers the anxiety level, giving the person a mood enlightening experience.
Invigorating body response: Sports massage prior to a sports event results in satisfaction and brisk body movement, resulting in invigorating body response.
Sports massage, if taken on regular basis, has the potential of significantly improving the physical response of the athlete. Sports massage Wimbledon may not be as satisfying as compared to erotic massage, but results in greater benefits for the body.
Victor Miller is an experienced sports massage Wimbledon therapist. Sports massage combines deep tissue and remedial massage techniques that help you recover from injuries and get relief from stress or fatigue. Take care of your body today!
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