By Everett Sizemore
When people hear about criminology degrees, the first thing that comes to mind is being a detective or police officer. While a degree in criminology will most certainly help one obtain such a position, there are many more types of jobs out there for these graduates than many realize. Below are a few examples of jobs you can get – or those that you will be on your way to getting – with a criminology degree:
A criminologist is often defined as someone who studies the etiology of crime, criminal behavior, types of crime, and social, cultural and media reactions to crime. Criminologists are often called upon to be expert witnesses in court cases, or to consult with police departments, universities and government agencies regarding law enforcement, correctional systems and criminal behavior.
Correctional Planner
Correctional facilities require an enormous amount of planning and administration. They are miniature countries in some respects, and call for all of the details that any other governmental system requires, from the import / export of food and clothing, to building plans and human resources. Every job and responsibility you can think of in the United States Government probably has its equivalent in the correctional system on both federal and state levels. Correctional planners are very intelligent, important, high-paid professionals.
Government Agent
Whether you hope to join the forces of the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, DEA, Border Patrol, INS, Military Police or any other government agency involved in the enforcement of US laws, a degree in criminology will help you get there.
Court Administrator
A Court Administration conducts and manages the daily administrative, technical, and support operations of the court and the processing of cases. For example, you might set cases on the court’s calendar, arrange for foreign language interpreters, process paperwork, call citizens for jury duty, or any of the other hundreds of responsibilities performed by court administrators.
Although you probably will not obtain a position as judge purely as a result of obtaining a criminology degree, these qualifications will certainly help, whether you are appointed by the people or by the government.
Social Worker
Social workers are often involved in criminal cases involving child endangerment, drug abuse, child abuse, civil disputes and domestic crime. A degree in criminology makes them that much more knowledgeable about their job and can make the difference between you and the other applicant.
Parole or Probation Officer
Parole officers and probation officers supervise individuals in the community placed on probation, parole, intensive support and supervision, deferred custody and supervision or conditional sentence by the Court, or young offenders serving the supervision portion of their custodial sentence. Probation officers also prepare reports on offenders for the courts.
Counselors are needed in schools, correctional facilities, juvenile detention centers and government social programs all over the United States. Having an understanding of criminal behavior from your degree in criminology makes you more qualified than many other applicants when it comes to counseling individuals involved in crime, whether as a victim or perpetrator.
Police Officer
A criminology degree makes you a very qualified and competent police offers when combined with appropriate training from the police force academies.
Detectives are often police officers who have been promoted to the position as a result of their hard work, dedication, specialized knowledge / skills, and educational qualifications. A degree in criminology will put you ahead of your peers for such a promotion.
Private Investigator
Despite what some people think, not just anyone can become a private investigator – at least not a successful one. Most criminology degree programs will have special sections devoted to this field.
Corrections Department Warden
Wardens are responsible for hundreds or thousands of lives every day. These respected, competent men and women have an intimate understanding of criminal behavior and how to rehabilitate inmates so they can re-enter society with skills and behavioral adjustments necessary to lead fulfilling, crime-free lives.
Forensic Accountant
There are many programs offered in forensic accounting in universities all over the United States, as well as respected online degree programs. Whether as part of a criminology degree major or as a degree of its own, this is a rewarding career for those interested in white collar crime. It has been described as the most exciting boring job in the world.
More Criminology Degree Resources:
About the Author: Everett is a blogger who writes about corporate responsibility, white collar crime, and consumer safety regarding
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