Submitted by: Rhegie Taylor
In America, there are so many amazing things to see and do, and some completely incredible places to go. Some are impressive displays of human ingenuity and creativity, and then there are those breathtaking wonders of nature that one can only fully appreciate when viewing in person. Grand Canyon helicopters tours provide tourists with a rare opportunity to experience this location from a unique perspective.
This incredible wonder has been millions of years in the making, carved out by the raging waters of the Colorado River twisting and turning across the land. The result is an awe inspiring chasm that is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and over a mile deep at some points. This impressive beauty is completely encompassed exclusively inside of Norther Arizona and is one of the most famous site seeing locations in the country.
As canyons go, this one is not the largest, or the widest, or even the deepest on the planet, but it has something that none of the others can offer. What makes this chasm a truly spectacular sight to behold, is that it is the only place where one can see more than two billion years pf pristine geologic history on display in the rock layers. This is a rare snapshot into the planet’s past that is simply breathtaking to behold.
People choose to visit this location for a wide array of reasons. They may come to view the vast expanse of geologic beauty, to catch a glimpse of the local wildlife, which includes mule deer, coyote, bobcats, mountain lions, impressively large elk, rare black bears, and a variety of birds, lizards and snakes, or to cruise along the river on either the rapids or the slow water. Perhaps the most famous attraction here is that it is a refuge where the majestic California Condor is protected and may be seen living wild.
The chasm is a realm of extremes in regards to weather. On the same day, people can be playing in the snow at one point on the rim, while down by the river, others are soaking in the sun and loving the warmth. The differences can be upwards of 30 degrees so tourists need to be prepared for the changes if visiting more than one spot.
Within the canyon’s perimeter, there are two separate Native American Indian Reservations, where tourists have the opportunity to experience the culture of the indigenous people, and purchase souvenirs if desired. There is a museum of natural history, as well as various ranger programs one may join. During clear skies, star gazing is an especially popular activity at this wonderful location.
There are a lot of ways in which one can explore the chasm. These include hiking, jeep tours, safaris, backpacking, mule rides, bus tips, and cycling. All of these are exciting activities on their own, but nothing quite matches the thrill of seeing the landscape from 4,000 miles up in a helicopter.
These aerial tours allow one to view the magnificent natural vista, as well see the Dragoon Corridor, Hoover Dam and Lake Mead from above. So much more may be explored from the sky, than may be seen from the ground. Whether out for a few hours or an entire day, this is an excursion one will not soon forget.
About the Author: The author is an expert on Grand Canyon helicopters and recommends
these heli rides
as well as these coupons that will help you get them at a cheaper price:
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