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A carbon monoxide alarm is a device that monitors levels of CO in one area. It is designed to protect animals and humans from CO poisoning. Plug-in alarms are usually small and are plugged into the wall outlet. In most cases, they do not have a cord, which means that wherever the wall outlet is, that is where the device sits.
Easy Installation
Most people want something that is easily installed. It doesn’t get much easier than plugging it into the wall outlet and turning it on. However, it does require consistent power from your energy source. If the power cuts out because of a storm or natural disaster, the device won’t work. An alternative is to purchase a hybrid model that primarily uses the energy source and has battery backup for times when the power fails. The detector automatically switches to the battery when power is lost.
Digital Display
Not all alarms have a digital display, but many of them do. This can be extremely helpful, as it always shows a number, preferably zero. When the number changes, you know instantly. If the CO levels get too high and cause the air to become poisonous, the device beeps, alerting you to the danger. If you choose one without a digital display, it still sounds the alarm when the CO levels are too high.
You can also find combination alarms that protect from explosive gas (methane, natural, or propane gas) and CO. If your propane tank leaks or you have a natural gas leak, it can warn you of that instance, as well.
A plug in carbon monoxide alarm is essential to protect your family from odorless and colorless gas that could harm you. First Alert offers plug-in varieties that can be beneficial.