Female Hair Restoration Differs From Procedures Performed On Males
Dr. Samuel Lam
When it comes to hair loss and subsequent hair restoration techniques, men and women are not exactly created equal. That\’s because there are a number of distinctions in the causes and patterns of female hair loss, as well as unique attributes that must be addressed in order to achieve successful female hair transplant results.
To start with, men and women do not lose hair for the same reasons and in the same way. In fact, due to hormonal and skin conditions in women that can be the cause of female hair loss, it is imperative that all medical conditions and reasons for hair loss in women be thoroughly investigated prior to undergoing any type of hair transplantation surgery. Often it is best for a hair transplant surgeon to consult with other medical professionals that are aware of a woman\’s medical history prior to determining if hair restoration is right for them.
Women also don\’t have the same patterns of hair loss as are common in males, and often when women lose hair it is more diffusely spread out across the entire scalp, which requires a different approach to restoration than that which is done to those who experience typical male pattern hair loss.
Due to the way that many women lose hair, they are more often left with areas of thinning hair throughout the head, rather than specific areas that are completely bald while other areas still retain hair fullness, as is the case with most men. Therefore, it is important that female hair restoration procedures be performed by hair restoration surgeons that are specifically qualified and experienced in performing hair transplants on women in order to get the best results.
One primary difference between men and women affects the shape of their hairlines, and how the hair grows naturally at the hairline. In women, there is typically a downward descending hairline that is more rounded than the hairlines of men, with hair growth that angles backward and creates a cowlick. This is in stark contrast to men whose hair grows towards the front of the scalp, in almost the complete opposite direction as women. Women also have a distinct hairline around the upper portion of the temple area that is absent on men, and it is important that a hair transplant surgeon address any loss of hair in this area in order to achieve the most aesthetically-pleasing results.
Female hairline lowering is one of the more common requests by women who over time find themselves with a higher-than-desired hairline. The need to lower the hairline may be due to hair loss over time, trauma or surgery to the area, cosmetic surgery scars, or other reasons that result in hair loss only at the front of the scalp, even if there is no evidence of hair thinning or hair loss anywhere else on the head.
To combat a high hairline, hair transplantation can be performed or a procedure referred to as female hairline lowering surgery. Hair restoration is often the preferred method of handling a high hairline, however, since hairline lowering surgery requires a more invasive method of surgery in which a surgical flap is created to pull the hairline lower. This can involve a longer recovery time and may even result in long-term or permanent numbness in the scalp area. It can also leave an unsightly scar and does not adequately address any particulars of the female hairline that can be more carefully recreated during hair transplant surgery.
If you are a women that is considering female hair restoration, it is best to consult with an experienced hair restoration surgeon who can help you determine if hair transplantation is right for you, and if so, can advise you on the options that will result in the best possible outcomes.
Dallas hair restoration specialist
Dr Samuel Lam specializes in all facets of hair restoration procedures including Male Hair Transplants, Female Hair Transplants, Corrective Hair Restoration, Ethnic Hair Transplants, and Eyebrow Hair Transplants. He is one of only about a hundred board certified hair transplant surgeons in the world and has been bestowed the distinction of \”Hair Surgeon of the Month\” by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. Dr. Lam is also author of 6 medical books, has written numerous articles, and lectures internationally about his hair transplant techniques. For more information about Dr. Samuel Lam, visit http://www.hairtx.com or call 972-3112-8188 or 1-888-866-3388.
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