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Submitted by: Sasha Spinner
Why is Oprah so famous? She doesn t dance, sing, write books or appear to have any special talents. The one thing she does and does so well is interview other people! Think of it, that is really all she is best known for. How can you harness this same talent and become famous with your own followers?
The first thing you must remember when you are an information provider, and that is what we all really are, is that your followers look up to you and expect you to provide the proper guidance for them to solve their problems. Are you a coach, writer, internet marketer, brick & mortar store owner, preacher or teacher? All of you need to find a way to own your herd of followers by giving them current information that they desire. Would you like to know how to do that very easily?
You must follow Oprah s lead. Oh sure, you cry, that is easy to say if you are Oprah but I am not and do not have her resources. The big secret is you do not need any of that! I am about to give you an idea that will transform your business. Are you ready? It is your telephone. Don t worry it is not cold calling potential clients or followers.
Does that sound too easy? You are right, it is. All you have to do is follow my 10 easy steps and you will become a “star” of your own show.
1. Google your niche market and pick out several gurus in your field.
2. Sign up for a FREE conference calling service. There are several that are free and some you pay for but I have used http://FreeConferenceCall.com and it works great! I suggest you start with a free one.
3. Line up one of the top people in your field and get them set up for a 60 minute call. Tell them that the call is free to listen to but you can sell recordings after the call.
4. Send out ask the expert emails to your following and the expert s email list
5. Compile the top ten questions that all of the followers want to know
6. Set the date and time then send out 3 emails to remind everyone to sign up for the call.
7. Test out the system with a friend just to see how it works and to get comfortable with it.
8. Conduct the telephone seminar (teleseminar)
9. Sell the recording for $29 and for $10 more, they get the transcript of the call.
10. That s it! You are now the Larry King or the Oprah of your own particular business. Do at least one teleseminar per month. Once you start collecting the recordings and transcripts of your calls, you can repurpose the materials into eBooks, seminars, workbooks or CD collections.
Sign up for my newsletter and find out how to repurpose all of your recordings. There are so many ways to market your business online that it can be overwhelming to most business owners. It can be a daunting task just trying to find out what kind of system makes sense for you. Should you write articles, ezines, newsletters or use adwords, keywords and social media? The list goes on.
About the Author: Teleconferencing is one of the best kept secret strategies for making big money on the internet.Who else wants to discover how to make tons of money on the internet in 7 easy to follow steps? Go here
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