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By Dan Skriver
Whether retirement is right around the corner, or several years down the road, it’s never too early, or too late, to start planning for your future. Some people feel intimidated by matters of finance, while others simply don’t feel comfortable with their knowledge regarding retirement planning. Make it a priority to learn as much as you can about your finances by reviewing the following essential 5 top baby boomers retirement tips.
It’s no secret that retirement can be expensive, especially with the rising costs of just about everything, which is why most experts recommend planning on needing anywhere from 70 to 90% of your current earnings after you retire to maintain the standard of living you’re accustomed to.
Here are the 5 top baby boomers retirement tips for those who are serious about planning for their future:
Start With a Definitive Plan
Start by noting your current standard of living and then examine whether or not you’re willing to make sacrifices, or if you plan to live just as you always have. Most people expect to enjoy the same lifestyle along with travel or vacation plans after retiring, but really have no true idea of how much money they’re going to need to actually do so.
A retirement calculator is useful for figuring out exactly what you will need each month to meet your goals. Either online or through your own calculations, use your current age, the age you plan on retiring, your current savings, and how much you need to live comfortably per year after retiring to get the final amount.
For solutions to your specific circumstances, seek out the advice of a professional, such as a financial advisor, your bank or union, as well as your employer’s human resources department. Ultimately, trust your own instincts and educate yourself before making any decisions.
Review Your Social Security Benefits
On average, the Social Security Administration (SSA) pays roughly 40% of one’s pre-retirement earnings after retiring. Earnings statements are usually mailed three to four months before your birthday that outline what you have paid in taxes, along with a summary of your estimated benefits depending on the age you retire. If you haven’t yet received any statements, contact the SSA to request one by visiting their web site at www.ssa.gov.
Learn About Your Employee Benefits
Any employee who is covered under their employer’s retirement plan is entitled to a clear explanation of their benefits and receive what is known as a summary plan description. Also remember to inquire about your spouse’s retirement benefits through their employer, or open a spousal IRA (Individual Retirement Account) for those who do not work outside of the home.
Contribute to a 401k
One of the most often overlooked of the 5 top baby boomers retirement tips are investing in a 401k, which is a tax-sheltered savings plan that your employer also contributes to. It is estimated that an entire quarter of all people who were offered the chance to participate in a 401k plan chose not to. If your employer doesn’t currently have any type of retirement plan in place, suggest that it start one as soon as possible.
Follow Through
Although a growing nest egg may be tempting during those times when you might need a little extra cash, it’s imperative to stick to your plan to avoid any withdrawal penalties, as well as falling short of your ultimate goal when you do retire.
By simply following these 5 top baby boomers retirement tips, it really is possible to retire the way you envisioned and truly enjoy your future without worrying about finances.
About the Author: To learn more about the Baby Boomers retirement and the challenges they face, please click
“baby boomer retirement”
. Dan Skriver is a writer and editor for
Hello Boomers Magazine
, covering all subjects related to the Baby Boomers retirement.
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